SCYSA Protocols

SCYSA Protocols


BUFC respectfully asks EVERYONE to please take a few minutes to familiarize your family with the SCYSA Return to Play protocols - this is for the benefit and safety of all of our players and coaches and families - your strict adherence to these protocols is greatly appreciated!

The full document is here.

A few highlights.....


Player Responsibilities

  • Players recommended to wear masks prior to and immediately after training. 
  • Players required to strictly observe social distancing when not in play (6-10ft). 
  • Players required to only go to their “station” when not engaged in play. 
  • Players wash or sanitize their hands prior to and immediately after training 
  • Players are recommended to wash their clothes and bath immediately up returning home.
  • Players recommended to NOT share drinks, food, equipment or clothing at any time.
  • Contact outside of play (e.g. high 5s, hugs, etc.) should be avoided at all times.
  • If player is diagnosed with Covid -19 or resides with someone diagnosed with Covid-19 then the player is required to quarantine for 14 days.
  • Player diagnosed with or living with a person diagnosed with Covid 19 is recommended to share that information with the coach so contact tracing may be used to limit possible exposure. 

Parent Responsibilities

  • Avoid carpooling. Only members of the same family should be in a vehicle together
  • Recommended that only one parent accompany player to the complex for practice.
  • Parents should have hand sanitizer available for their children before and after each session. 
  • Parent shall remain in their cars during all activities. They may not congregate at or around the field. If they leave their car for any reason (e.g. to use a restroom) they must wear a facemask and observe social distancing. 
  • If parents feel the need to communicate with a coach then it is recommended via telecommunications or email. 

All questions can be directed to - Go Beach!!!